warm orange cold blue
Starring Kara Hakanson and Justen Jones
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Memories calm and haunt a womxn during an afternoon nap.
warm orange cold blue
In 2018, I awoke from an afternoon nap. I had put a golden-coloured scarf over my lamp and it cast my room in a warm glow. It was in stark contrast to the scene outside: dusk on a late November day, dyeing the white snow with a blue hue. The image struck me so that I hastily found a notebook on my nightstand and scribbled down:
warm orange interior. cold blue exterior.
I knew I would do something with that imagery some day, I just didn’t know what.
Over the next four years I scribbled down those words in different notebooks, in the Notes app on my phone, even in diaries and calendars, constantly reminding myself of that feeling the scene brought me. But no story came to mind.
In the autumn of 2022, I was in a London cafe doing some creative brainstorming. Out of nowhere, the words of a poem, a short story, flowed from my fingers. There it was. The scene to set inside a warm orange interior with a cold blue exterior.
In the winter of 2023, a crew of seven of us got together to film warm orange cold blue in a day on a brisk January day.
Six years after scribbling down those infamous words, I’m thrilled to have it ready for audiences.
Enjoy. x